City Dental Hospital

Category: Blog

is TMJ curable without surgery

Is TMJ curable without surgery?

There are Much Confusions Around TMJ. Here we are going to clear everything for you. The new-fangled dentistry and healthcare

What are TMJ appliances

What are TMJ appliances?

TMJ is one of embroiling that requires an adequate amount of skill to cure the disorder. In the gigantic spectrum

Sealant and varnish Treatments

Sealant And Varnish Treatments

We will look about the complete details about Sealant and Varnish Treatments here in this blog Dental care for the

What is varnish used for dentistry

What is used varnish for dentistry?

Varnish for Dentistry? Confused? let’s see about it in detail The health-care spectrum is one of the pivotal and reliable

Dr. Anand Jasani and Dr. Rashmi jasani from City Dental Hospital, Rajkot