How does your oral health affect your mental health?

How does your oral health affect your mental health

It is evident that poor oral health can affect your mental health. This is because the mouth is the entry point for everything we consume, which increases or reduces the risks for developing diseases.

So, the better you maintain your oral health, the better your mental health will be!

If you are reading our dental education posts, in that case, you’re aware that we’ve explored the connection and importance of excellent oral hygiene. In today’s blog, we will explain how essential it’s to our overall physical health.

Our physical health can affect oral health, and our oral hygiene can negatively strike health overall. Today, we’re getting to jump into the mind-body connection and how our psychological state also plays a task in our oral health.

Read on to find out more……

Oral Health Affects psychological state

Poor or neglected oral health can definitely damage feelings of personal value and self-confidence, which is dangerous to the psychological state.

Imagine the indications of a depressed patient learning that nobody wants to speak to them due to their bad breath. The subsequent results of poor oral health can cause or exacerbate social anxiety, which may cause depression:

  • Difficulty while eating or speaking
  • The poor appearance which indicates yellowing, decaying, or lost teeth
  • Bad breath

It is also said that poor oral health has also been correlated with amnesia. According to a research, the bacteria from oral diseases like Gingivitis and Periodontitis means gum disease which may travel through the bloodstream to the brain which can cause inflammation and destruction of the neurons which will cause amnesia, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Well, there’s still a little research that must be done to verify the correlation.

What sorts of mental disease can affect oral health?

According to the Oral Health Foundation, a number of the first oral health issues for those that have mental disease includes:

  • Neglect:

    Research has shown that those affected by mental illnesses tend to avoid care to neglect their oral hygiene. This will end in gum disease and cavity.

  • Anxiety:

    As already discussed above, people that have dental phobia stop seeing their dentist on a regular basis. Also, infrequent dental visits have a severe impact on oral health.

  • Eating disorders:

    Those that suffer from conditions like Bulimia often experience dental erosion as vomit is exceptionally acidic. Low levels of calcium and improper nutrition in anorexia are common and may affect the teeth’ health.

  • Brushing actions:

    Over-vigorous brushing actions by bipolar, OCD, or similar disorders could end in brushing away the enamel on the tooth’s surface.

  • Medication:

    Some psychological state medications like antidepressants may produce adverse oral effects, parched mouth, (link back to post on the dry mouth), reducing saliva flow, and make the mouth more acidic.
    Some drugs wont to treat mental illnesses include possible side effects of susceptibility to oral bacterial infection.

Final Thoughts

In summary, oral health and psychological state don’t exist in silos. They each affect one another in powerful ways. This asserts the importance of holistic dentistry. Whole-body health is as vital because the health of a private is a part of the body.

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Experience the highest dental healthcare standards with state-of-the-art-technology, durable bio-friendly materials that focus on all preventive, painless, and cosmetic dental procedures in Rajkot at City Dental Hospital. With the years of experience, we are committed to providing patients with superior dental health and a complete range of services to give you a smile that you deserve.

At City Dental Hospital, the top Dental Hospital in Gujarat, we offer flexible timing, individual attention, affordability, accurate explanation of treatments, and excellent patient care. Here, we follow strict and stringent hygiene protocols.

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 A healthy smile and better well-being, all start at City Dental Hospital. Experience the highest dental healthcare standards with state-of-the-art technology, and durable bio-friendly materials that focus on all preventive, painless, and cosmetic dental procedures in Rajkot at City Dental Hospital. With our years of experience, we are committed to providing patients with superior dental health and a complete range of services to give them the smile that they deserve.

At City Dental Hospital, the top Dental Hospital in Gujarat, we offer flexible timing, individual attention, affordability, accurate explanation of treatments, and excellent patient care. Here, we follow strict and stringent hygiene protocols.

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