Importance of Scaling and root planning for your oral health

Scaling and root planing is the base of periodontal treatment. Intensive removal of plaque from more deep tissues is fundamental for beneficial periodontal treatment. These are especially effective methods to treat patients experiencing early stages of gingivitis and periodontitis.

What is scaling and root planing? 

Scaling is a dental procedure that includes evacuating the calculus deposits or external stains present on the teeth. Scaling helps kill supra and subgingival coats and to keep your gums in a solid-state. It is also the first treatment carried out in any cosmetic procedures. Scaling is regularly trailed by cleaning in therapeutic methods. 

Root planing is the procedure by which residual embedded calculus and bits of cementum are dislodged from the roots to deliver a smooth, hard and clean surface. 

Objectives of scaling and root planing: 

  • Control or decrease in the number of pathogenic periodontal microflora 
  • Change of extended pathologic microscopic organisms to shallow healthy gingival sulcus-by overcoming the pockets that are created between your teeth and gums, odds of tooth chances of tooth loss are decreased.
  • Elimination of inflamed and bleeding gums to supplant with healthy gingivae.
  • Supplying a good root surface with the restoration of healthy connective tissue.
  • Give a smooth, lustrous root surface liberated from unhealthy bacteria and dead tissue
  • Better breath-halitosis or regularly bad breath is one of the most widely recognized indications of periodontal ailment. Food particles and microscopic organisms caught in the pocket of your mouth can cause awful sticky smell in the oral cavity. Periodontal scaling and root planning eliminate this odour, causing particles from the oral cavity.

How is scaling and root planing done? 

Periodontal instruments are designed for precise objectives, for example, removing plaque, planing root surfaces, curetting gingiva and removing unhealthy tissue. The dental specialist uses handheld instruments or ultrasonic instruments to leave plaque and stains present on the teeth. 

Scalers are used fundamentally to free supragingival plaque, and curettes are used to remove extensive subgingival cavities and root planing. It will be essential to utilize mechanical instruments like ultrasound scalers and revolving instruments to accomplish complete removal of all implanted plaque. It might take more than one visit to finish the procedure based on the severity of the disease.

A dental specialist may likewise perform a procedure called host modulation wherein additional drug is tested directly into your gums to help clean periodontal disease. A few patients feel slight distress and irritation during scaling. 

In most cases, local anaesthesia is needed so that the patient is comfortable and the dentist can focus on freeing of plaque. Mild bleeding may occur from the gums, which subside over time. The endurance of bleeding on examining after treatment can be the result of root roughness connected with faultily removed subgingival calculus and persistence of unhealthy bacterial biofilms on the root surface.

Oral irrigation helps decreases the number of microscopic organisms in the gingival cleft or pocket. Powered irrigation oral cleanliness gadgets may add to the viability of the patient’s other oral cleanliness techniques when used with water or with antimicrobial solutions such as chlorhexidine.


After a deep cleaning, patients may encounter pain for a day or two. They may feel their teeth irritable for as long as a week and may decline marginally. Antibiotics and mouth wash might be recommended by your dental specialist relying upon your condition. After a professional dental cleaning, you should continue routine oral care practices at home.

We make smiles beautiful!

 A healthy smile and better well-being, all start at City Dental Hospital. Experience the highest dental healthcare standards with state-of-the-art technology, and durable bio-friendly materials that focus on all preventive, painless, and cosmetic dental procedures in Rajkot at City Dental Hospital. With our years of experience, we are committed to providing patients with superior dental health and a complete range of services to give them the smile that they deserve.

At City Dental Hospital, the top Dental Hospital in Gujarat, we offer flexible timing, individual attention, affordability, accurate explanation of treatments, and excellent patient care. Here, we follow strict and stringent hygiene protocols.

If you also want to change something about your smile, consider dental veneers.

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