Things you need to know about root canal treatment

You are in doubt whether you need a root canal treatment or not

Some dental problems can be tough to notice in the initial phase and when they do get severe, it’s nearly impossible to ignore them. Teeth are undeniably the strongest parts of our body, however, with poor care and hygiene, we tend to damage them to the point of replacement. Root Canal is one such treatment that enables you to treat severe tooth decay and prevent it from spreading to the other parts of your head.

Root canal treatment is a highly proficient method designed to rid the infected tooth. It includes the use of specialized equipment to clear the root canal of all infection before filling the tooth. Also, in many cases, a crown is added to give it extra strength.

A root canal is done to fix and save teeth that have severely decayed or infected. When the pulp of the tooth is composed of blood vessels and nerves and damaged, it needs to be removed, and the tooth will be cleaned and sealed from inside.

Here are four signs you need a root canal treatment:

Persistent Pain
Pain is one of the primary signs to know that something is wrong with your tooth. If you have difficulty doing normal activities such as drinking or eating and start feeling pain, then you should see your dentist as soon as you can.
The dentist will examine your aching tooth and see if your blood vessels or nerves are infected due to decay.

Cracked Tooth
Even though teeth are the hardest part of your body, they can crack too. There are many factors that can cause tooth cracking such as biting or chewing hard substances, surgery complications, trauma, etc. When a tooth gets cracked, it exposes the nerves under the surface of the tooth and leads to an infection. This infection in a tooth’s root can enter the bloodstream and spread. An untreated disease requires a root canal to thwart further infection and pain.

Another visible sign that you might require a root canal is tooth sensitivity. Cold foods and drinks can produce a lot of pain for those with an infected tooth. The dentist might conclude that a root canal is needed to fix the problem with your sensitive tooth.

If decay has set in within the root of your tooth, no amount of cleaning, flossing, or soaking with mouthwash will solve the difficulty. If a cavity has been ignored for too long, it will flatten down to the nerve and the root. In such a scenario, a root canal is likely the only choice for repair before the patient opting for a crown.
The truth is, it hurts a lot more to continue with a chipped tooth or teeth than to experience a root canal method. If you assume you have a dental problem that can only be fixed with a root canal, don’t worry. With City Dental Hospital, the experience doesn’t have to be a scary one. Most patients say the process was painless, quick and comfortable.
Though you can assume to feel some minor aches and sensitivity once the anesthetic wears off, these small troubles will subside within a couple of weeks. The best thing to do is to call City Dental Hospital and schedule an appointment today to get your teeth healthy again.

We make smiles beautiful!

 A healthy smile and better well-being, all start at City Dental Hospital. Experience the highest dental healthcare standards with state-of-the-art technology, and durable bio-friendly materials that focus on all preventive, painless, and cosmetic dental procedures in Rajkot at City Dental Hospital. With our years of experience, we are committed to providing patients with superior dental health and a complete range of services to give them the smile that they deserve.

At City Dental Hospital, the top Dental Hospital in Gujarat, we offer flexible timing, individual attention, affordability, accurate explanation of treatments, and excellent patient care. Here, we follow strict and stringent hygiene protocols.

If you also want to change something about your smile, consider dental veneers.

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